al Executive/Management Committee
Chairperson: Jane Forward
Vice Chair: Christine Shaddick
Secretary: Lauren Johnson
Treasurer: Meredith Healy
Committee Members: Antonia Worthington & Sarah Holden
Governance and legal duties of office holders
Getting the right mix of board/committee members is essential to setting up Healing Hands for success. Good governance practices are crucial to Healing Hands ability to function, to achieve its objectivity and to comply with all of its legal, ethical and operational requirements.
The committee of Healing Hands is a group of individuals who together are ultimately responsible for overseeing its operations and making sure it is working towards achieving its charitable purpose. The committee will hold to the vision, mission, and values of the HHWC with the ultimate goal of serving the best interests of its members and our wildlife.
Guide to the legal duties of not-for-profit committee members, directors and office holders HERE
The duties of officers are outlined in the Act:
· the duty not to make improper use of information acquired by virtue of their position or to make improper use of their position to gain personal advantage or cause harm to the association
· the duty of care, skill and diligence
· the duty to act in the best interests of the association and for a proper purpose, and
· the duty to avoid ‘insolvent trading’. This means that the committee should not continue to operate and enter into contracts or incur debts it cannot repay.
If an officer makes a business decision relating to the operation of the association, they must, among other things:
· make that decision in the best interests of the association, and
· not have a personal interest in the decision. Where a committee member has a material personal interest in a matter to be addressed by the committee, the committee member must disclose that interest at the next general meeting and must leave the committee meeting while the matter is discussed and voted on.
Legislation Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA)
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth)
Consumer Protection WA INC:
Chair meetings
Follow procedures. E.g. Quantum are maintained. Voting is decided by the majority; Minutes from the previous meeting are read an accepted; Apologies are excepted and recorded; The next meeting is set to include time, date and venue; Minutes are signed in a timely manner
Ensure all meetings are kept to a timely manner, people's points of view are respected and that everyone is treated as a valued member of Helping Hands.
Assist with buddying up of new carers with mentors
Assist Animal Welfare officer and Home Care Coordinator
Insurance Claims
Application of bullying and conflict resolution
Assist secretary in implementing rules, regulations and compliance
Sign off on all grant applications
Sign off with treasurer all money coming into the group other than regular membership and milk payments.
Vice Chair
Assist Chairperson
Assist Animal Welfare officer in checking facilities of carers
Liase with vets, maintain regular contact with local vets regarding correct handling procedures of injured or orphaned wildlife.
Assist chair person with conflict resolution and bullying issues (no tolerance in this group)
Follow up on Volunteer Timesheets
Finance, Income and Expenditure. Excel spreadsheet
Send out in a timely manner necessary bills for payment in relation to memberships, the purchase of milk, teats and or all sellable property belonging to great Southern Care wildlife. Or any other agreed reimbursements that maybe necessary.
Issue, where appropriate, receipts for those monies in the name of Healing Hands.
Make payments from the funds of the Healing Hands.
Add to the agenda each meeting information on monies paid or received.
Keep accounting records accurately.
Submit to members at each Annual General Meeting of the Association a record of finances ,showing the financial position at the end of the immediately proceeding financial year.
Keep the committee informed as requested on the financial state of Healing Hands, especially if finances are on a downward trend.
Membership Data Base – add new members to mailing list
Fundraising - create a detailed budget, to ensure that fundraising efforts don’t cost more than they raise and that the risks can be weighed up by the committee before implementation.
Grant Applications
Events such as training, Albany show, community events etc
All correspondence
Members may not speak on behalf of the group unless they have prior approval to do so on a case by case basis Only the nominated group’s Public Officer may speak on behalf of the group. The Public Officer needs to be familiar with all the regulatory requirements.
Compliance, Rules, Regulations etc, Handbook, Newsletter
Committee Member
If a member of the public is seeking advice on keeping/caring for wildlife that has come into their care, then it is Helping Hands policy to offer appropriate support and information. We will offer membership and the appointment of a mentor.